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2020-12-28 23:28:27 +00:00

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namespace FWIF;
use DateInterval;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeInterface;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use DateTimeZone;
use InvalidArgumentException;
class FWIF {
public const CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/x.fwif';
public const DEFAULT = 0; // Default behaviour
public const DISCARD_MILLISECONDS = 0x01; // Always exclude the millisecond component from DateTime
public const EXCLUDE_VERSION = 0x02; // Exclude version byte at the start of the stream
public const TYPE_NULL = 0; // NULL, no data
public const TYPE_TRUE = 0x01; // Represents a TRUE boolean value
public const TYPE_FALSE = 0x02; // Represents a FALSE boolean value
public const TYPE_INTEGER = 0x03; // LEB128, implicit length
public const TYPE_FLOAT = 0x04; // double precision IEEE 754, fixed length of 8 bytes
public const TYPE_STRING = 0x05; // UTF-8 string, terminated with TRAILER
public const TYPE_BUFFER = 0x06; // Buffer with binary data, prefixed with a LEB128 length
public const TYPE_ARRAY = 0x07; // List of values, terminated with TRAILER
public const TYPE_OBJECT = 0x08; // List of values with ASCII names, terminated with TRAILER
public const TYPE_DATETIME = 0x09; // A gregorian year, month and day as well as an hour, minute, seconds and millisecond component, variable ranging from 4 to 7 bytes
public const TYPE_TIMESPAN = 0x10; // A period of time, containing days, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds, variable ranging from 4 to 6 bytes
public const TRAILER = 0xFF; // Termination byte
public const VERSION = 0x01; // min 1, max 254
private const CODECS = [
self::TYPE_NULL => 'Null',
self::TYPE_TRUE => 'True',
self::TYPE_FALSE => 'False',
self::TYPE_INTEGER => 'Integer',
self::TYPE_FLOAT => 'Float',
self::TYPE_STRING => 'String',
self::TYPE_ARRAY => 'Array',
self::TYPE_OBJECT => 'Object',
self::TYPE_BUFFER => 'Buffer',
self::TYPE_DATETIME => 'DateTime',
self::TYPE_TIMESPAN => 'TimeSpan',
private const UTF8 = '%^(?:' //
. '[\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E]' // ASCII
. '|[\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF]' // non-overlong 2-byte
. '|\xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]' // excluding overlongs
. '|[\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2}' // straight 3-byte
. '|\xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF]' // excluding surrogates
. '|\xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2}' // planes 1-3
. '|[\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3}' // planes 4-15
. '|\xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2}' // plane 16
. ')*$%xs';
private static function isAssocArray($array): bool {
if(!is_array($array) || $array === [])
return false;
return array_keys($array) !== range(0, count($array) - 1);
// apparently this is faster than mb_check_encoding($string, 'utf-8');
// on PHP 7.1 on Windows at least, perhaps investigate this later
// UPDATE TODO: does this even make any sense with other internal encodings?
private static function isUTF8String(string $string): bool {
return preg_match(self::UTF8, $string) === 1;
private static function detectType($data, int $flags): int {
return self::TYPE_NULL;
return $data ? self::TYPE_TRUE : self::TYPE_FALSE;
return self::TYPE_INTEGER;
return self::TYPE_FLOAT;
return self::isUTF8String($data) ? self::TYPE_STRING : self::TYPE_BUFFER;
if(is_object($data) || self::isAssocArray($data)) {
if($data instanceof DateTimeInterface)
return self::TYPE_DATETIME;
if($data instanceof DateInterval)
return self::TYPE_TIMESPAN;
return self::TYPE_OBJECT;
return self::TYPE_ARRAY;
throw new FWIFUnsupportedTypeException(gettype($data));
public static function encode($data, int $flags = self::DEFAULT): string {
$encoded = self::encodeInternal($data, $flags);
if(!($flags & self::EXCLUDE_VERSION))
$encoded = chr(self::VERSION) . $encoded;
return $encoded;
private static function encodeInternal($data, int $flags): string {
if($data instanceof FWIFSerializable)
$data = $data->fwifSerialize();
$type = self::detectType($data, $flags);
return chr($type) . self::{'encode' . self::CODECS[$type]}($data, $flags);
public static function decode($data, int $flags = self::DEFAULT) {
if(is_string($data)) {
$fd = fopen('php://memory', 'rb+');
fwrite($fd, $data);
fseek($fd, 0);
$data = $fd;
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$data must be either a string or a file handle.');
if(!($flags & self::EXCLUDE_VERSION)) {
$version = ord(fgetc($data));
if($version < 1 || $version > 254)
throw new InvalidArgumentException('$data is not a valid FWIF serialized stream.');
if($version > self::VERSION)
throw new FWIFUnsupportedVersionException;
$decoded = self::decodeInternal($data, $flags);
return $decoded;
private static function decodeInternal($data, int $flags) {
$type = ord(fgetc($data));
if(!array_key_exists($type, self::CODECS)) {
$hexType = dechex($type); $pos = ftell($data); $hexPos = dechex($pos);
throw new FWIFUnsupportedTypeException("Unsupported type {$type} (0x{$hexType}) at position {$pos} (0x{$hexPos})");
return self::{'decode' . self::CODECS[$type]}($data, $flags);
private static function encodeNull($data, int $flags): string { return ''; }
private static function decodeNull($data, int $flags) { return null; }
private static function encodeTrue($data, int $flags): string { return ''; }
private static function decodeTrue($data, int $flags): bool { return true; }
private static function encodeFalse($data, int $flags): string { return ''; }
private static function decodeFalse($data, int $flags): bool { return false; }
private static function encodeInteger(int $number, int $flags): string {
$packed = ''; $more = true; $negative = $number < 0; $size = PHP_INT_SIZE * 8;
while($more) {
$byte = $number & 0x7F;
$number >>= 7;
$number |= (~0 << ($size - 7));
if((!$number && !($byte & 0x40)) || ($number === -1 && ($byte & 0x40)))
$more = false;
$byte |= 0x80;
$packed .= chr($byte);
return $packed;
private static function decodeInteger($data, int $flags): int {
$number = 0; $shift = 0; $size = PHP_INT_SIZE * 8;
do {
$byte = ord(fgetc($data));
$number |= ($byte & 0x7F) << $shift;
$shift += 7;
} while($byte & 0x80);
if(($shift < $size) && ($byte & 0x40))
$number |= (~0 << $shift);
return $number;
private const FLOAT_MZ = 0x04;
private const FLOAT_EZ = 0x08;
private const FLOAT_ZERO = self::FLOAT_MZ | self::FLOAT_EZ;
private const FLOAT_NAN = 0x20;
private const FLOAT_INF = 0x40;
private const FLOAT_SIGN = 0x80;
private const FLOAT_NINF = self::FLOAT_INF | self::FLOAT_SIGN;
private const FLOAT_DIV = 0x7FFFFFFF;
private static function encodeFloat(float $number, int $flags): string {
$packed = chr(self::FLOAT_NAN);
elseif($number === INF)
$packed = chr(self::FLOAT_INF);
elseif($number === -INF)
$packed = chr(self::FLOAT_NINF);
else {
$byte1 = 0; $packed = '';
if($number < 0.0 || ($number ** -1 === -INF))
$byte1 |= self::FLOAT_SIGN;
if($number === 0.0)
$byte1 |= self::FLOAT_ZERO;
else {
$numAbs = abs($number);
$exp = (int)(floor(log($numAbs, 2)) + 1);
$man = (int)(($numAbs * (2 ** -$exp)) * self::FLOAT_DIV);
if($exp != 0)
$packed .= self::encodeInteger($exp, $flags);
$byte1 |= self::FLOAT_EZ;
if($man > 0)
$packed .= pack('N', $man);
$byte1 |= self::FLOAT_MZ;
$packed = chr($byte1) . $packed;
return $packed;
private static function decodeFloat($data, int $flags): float {
$byte1 = ord(fgetc($data));
if($byte1 & self::FLOAT_NAN)
return NAN;
if($byte1 & self::FLOAT_INF)
return ($byte1 & self::FLOAT_SIGN) ? -INF : INF;
if(($byte1 & self::FLOAT_ZERO) === self::FLOAT_ZERO)
return ($byte1 & self::FLOAT_SIGN) ? -0.0 : 0.0;
$exp = 0; $man = 0;
if(!($byte1 & self::FLOAT_EZ))
$exp = self::decodeInteger($data, $flags);
if(!($byte1 & self::FLOAT_MZ))
$man = ((float)unpack('N', fread($data, 4))[1]) / self::FLOAT_DIV;
$number = $man * (2 ** $exp);
if($byte1 & self::FLOAT_SIGN)
$number *= -1;
return $number;
private static function encodeString(string $string, int $flags): string {
$packed = '';
$string = unpack('C*', mb_convert_encoding($string, 'utf-8', mb_internal_encoding()));
foreach($string as $char)
$packed .= chr($char);
return $packed . chr(self::TRAILER);
private static function decodeString($data, int $flags): string {
$packed = '';
for(;;) {
$char = fgetc($data); $byte = ord($char);
if($byte == self::TRAILER)
$packed .= $char;
if(($byte & 0xF8) == 0xF0)
$packed .= fread($data, 3);
elseif(($byte & 0xF0) == 0xE0)
$packed .= fread($data, 2);
elseif(($byte & 0xE0) == 0xC0)
$packed .= fgetc($data);
return mb_convert_encoding($packed, mb_internal_encoding(), 'utf-8');
private static function encodeArray(array $array, int $flags): string {
$packed = '';
foreach($array as $value)
$packed .= self::encodeInternal($value, $flags);
return $packed . chr(self::TRAILER);
private static function decodeArray($data, int $flags): array {
$array = [];
for(;;) {
if(ord(fgetc($data)) === self::TRAILER)
fseek($data, -1, SEEK_CUR);
$array[] = self::decodeInternal($data, $flags);
return $array;
private static function encodeObject($object, int $flags): string {
$packed = ''; $array = (array)$object;
foreach($array as $name => $value)
$packed .= mb_convert_encoding($name, 'us-ascii', mb_internal_encoding()) . chr(self::TRAILER) . self::encodeInternal($value, $flags);
return $packed . chr(self::TRAILER);
private static function decodeObjectKey($data, int $flags): string {
$packed = '';
for(;;) {
$char = fgetc($data);
if(ord($char) === self::TRAILER)
$packed .= $char;
return mb_convert_encoding($packed, mb_internal_encoding(), 'us-ascii');
private static function decodeObject($data, int $flags): object {
$array = [];
for(;;) {
if(ord(fgetc($data)) === self::TRAILER)
fseek($data, -1, SEEK_CUR);
$array[self::decodeObjectKey($data, $flags)] = self::decodeInternal($data, $flags);
return (object)$array;
private static function encodeBuffer(string $buffer, int $flags): string {
return self::encodeInteger(strlen($buffer), $flags) . $buffer;
private static function decodeBuffer($data, int $flags): string {
return fread($data, self::decodeInteger($data, $flags));
private const DATETIME_FLAG_TIME = 0x40;
private const DATETIME_FLAG_MILLI = 0x4000;
private const DATETIME_YEAR_SIGN = 0x40000000;
private const DATETIME_YEAR_MASK = 0x3FFF;
private const DATETIME_YEAR_SHIFT = 16; // <<
private const DATETIME_MONTH_MASK = 0x0F;
private const DATETIME_MONTH_SHIFT = 12; // <<
private const DATETIME_DAY_MASK = 0x1F;
private const DATETIME_DAY_SHIFT = 7; // <<
private const DATETIME_HOUR_MASK = 0x1F;
private const DATETIME_MINS_MASK = 0x3F;
private const DATETIME_MINS_SHIFT = 8; // <<
private const DATETIME_SECS_MASK = 0x3F;
private const DATETIME_SECS_SHIFT = 2; // <<
private const DATETIME_MILLI_HI_MASK = 0x300;
private const DATETIME_MILLI_HI_SHIFT = 8; // >>
private const DATETIME_MILLI_LO_MASK = 0x0FF;
/* +--------+--------+ Y - Signed 15-bit year W - w enable flag
* |.YYYYYYY|YYYYYYYY| M - Unsigned 4-bit month m - unsigned 6-bit minutes
* |MMMMDDDD|DT.HHHHH| D - Unsigned 5-bit Day S - unsigned 6-bit seconds
* |.Wmmmmmm|SSSSSSww| T - WmSw enable flag w - unsigned 10-bit millisecs
* |wwwwwwww| | H - Unsigned 5-bit hours
* +--------+--------+
private static function encodeDateTime(DateTimeInterface $dt, int $flags): string {
static $utc = null;
if($utc === null)
$utc = new DateTimeZone('utc');
if($dt->getTimezone()->getOffset($dt) !== 0)
$dt = DateTime::createFromInterface($dt)->setTimezone($utc);
$year = (int)$dt->format('Y');
$month = (int)$dt->format('n');
$day = (int)$dt->format('j');
$hours = (int)$dt->format('G');
$mins = (int)$dt->format('i');
$secs = (int)$dt->format('s');
$millis = ($flags & self::DISCARD_MILLISECONDS) ? 0 : (int)$dt->format('v');
$subYear = $year < 0;
$year = ~$year;
$ymdh = $subYear ? self::DATETIME_YEAR_SIGN : 0;
$ymdh |= ($year & self::DATETIME_YEAR_MASK) << self::DATETIME_YEAR_SHIFT;
$ymdh |= ($month & self::DATETIME_MONTH_MASK) << self::DATETIME_MONTH_SHIFT;
$ymdh |= ($day & self::DATETIME_DAY_MASK) << self::DATETIME_DAY_SHIFT;
$ymdh |= ($hours & self::DATETIME_HOUR_MASK);
if($mins > 0 || $secs > 0 || $millis > 0) {
$ymdh |= self::DATETIME_FLAG_TIME;
$msw = 0;
$msw |= ($mins & self::DATETIME_MINS_MASK) << self::DATETIME_MINS_SHIFT;
$msw |= ($secs & self::DATETIME_SECS_MASK) << self::DATETIME_SECS_SHIFT;
if($millis > 0) {
$msw |= self::DATETIME_FLAG_MILLI;
$msw |= ($millis & self::DATETIME_MILLI_HI_MASK) >> self::DATETIME_MILLI_HI_SHIFT;
$w = $millis & self::DATETIME_MILLI_LO_MASK;
$packed = pack('N', $ymdh);
if($ymdh & self::DATETIME_FLAG_TIME) {
$packed .= pack('n', $msw);
if($msw & self::DATETIME_FLAG_MILLI)
$packed .= chr($w);
return $packed;
private static function decodeDateTime($data, int $flags): DateTimeInterface {
$ymdh = unpack('N', fread($data, 4))[1];
$years = ($ymdh >> self::DATETIME_YEAR_SHIFT) & self::DATETIME_YEAR_MASK;
$months = ($ymdh >> self::DATETIME_MONTH_SHIFT) & self::DATETIME_MONTH_MASK;
$days = ($ymdh >> self::DATETIME_DAY_SHIFT) & self::DATETIME_DAY_MASK;
$hours = $ymdh & self::DATETIME_HOUR_MASK;
if($ymdh & self::DATETIME_YEAR_SIGN)
$years = ~$years;
$dt = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:', $years, $months, $days, $hours);
if($ymdh & self::DATETIME_FLAG_TIME) {
$msw = unpack('n', fread($data, 2))[1];
$mins = ($msw >> self::DATETIME_MINS_SHIFT) & self::DATETIME_MINS_MASK;
$secs = ($msw >> self::DATETIME_SECS_SHIFT) & self::DATETIME_SECS_MASK;
$dt .= sprintf('%02d:%02d', $mins, $secs);
if($msw & self::DATETIME_FLAG_MILLI) {
$millis = ($msw << self::DATETIME_MILLI_HI_SHIFT) & self::DATETIME_MILLI_HI_MASK;
$millis |= ord(fgetc($data));
$dt .= sprintf('.%03d', $millis);
} else $dt .= '00:00';
return new DateTimeImmutable($dt . 'UTC');
private const TIMESPAN_FLAG_DAYS = 0x20000000;
private const TIMESPAN_FLAG_NEGA = 0x40000000;
private const TIMESPAN_MILLI_SHIFT = 16; // <<
private const TIMESPAN_MILLI_MASK = 0x3FF;
private const TIMESPAN_SECS_SHIFT = 11; // <<
private const TIMESPAN_MINS_SHIFT = 5; // <<
private const TIMESPAN_DAYS_MASK = 0x7FFF;
private const TIMESPAN_YEAR_DAYS = 365.0;
private const TIMESPAN_MONTH_DAYS = 31.0;
/* +--------+--------+ w - unsigned 10-bit millisecs n - Negative flag
* |.nd..www|wwwwwwwS| S - unsigned 6-bit seconds d - DMY enable flag
* |SSSSSmmm|mmmHHHHH| m - unsigned 6-bit minutes D - unsigned 15-bit day
* |.DDDDDDD|DDDDDDDD| H - unsigned 5-bit hours
* +--------+--------+
private static function encodeTimeSpan(DateInterval $di, int $flags): string {
$wsmh = $di->invert ? self::TIMESPAN_FLAG_NEGA : 0;
$wsmh |= ((int)($di->f * 1000) & self::TIMESPAN_MILLI_MASK) << self::TIMESPAN_MILLI_SHIFT;
$wsmh |= ( $di->s & self::DATETIME_SECS_MASK) << self::TIMESPAN_SECS_SHIFT;
$wsmh |= ( $di->i & self::DATETIME_MINS_MASK) << self::TIMESPAN_MINS_SHIFT;
$wsmh |= ( $di->h & self::DATETIME_HOUR_MASK);
$days = $di->days;
if($days === false) // Best I can come up with on short notice, fuck it
$days = (int)($di->d + ($di->m * self::TIMESPAN_YEAR_DAYS) + ($di->y * self::TIMESPAN_MONTH_DAYS));
if($days > 0) {
$wsmh |= self::TIMESPAN_FLAG_DAYS;
$days &= self::TIMESPAN_DAYS_MASK;
$packed = pack('N', $wsmh);
if($wsmh & self::TIMESPAN_FLAG_DAYS)
$packed .= pack('n', $days);
return $packed;
private static function decodeTimeSpan($data, int $flags): DateInterval {
$di = new DateInterval('P0Y');
$wsmh = unpack('N', fread($data, 4))[1];
$di->invert = ($wsmh & self::TIMESPAN_FLAG_NEGA) ? 1 : 0;
$di->f = (($wsmh >> self::TIMESPAN_MILLI_SHIFT) & self::TIMESPAN_MILLI_MASK) / 1000.0;
$di->s = ($wsmh >> self::TIMESPAN_SECS_SHIFT) & self::DATETIME_SECS_MASK;
$di->i = ($wsmh >> self::TIMESPAN_MINS_SHIFT) & self::DATETIME_MINS_MASK;
$di->h = $wsmh & self::DATETIME_HOUR_MASK;
if($wsmh & self::TIMESPAN_FLAG_DAYS) {
$days = unpack('n', fread($data, 2))[1] & self::TIMESPAN_DAYS_MASK;
$di->days = $days;
$di->y = (int)floor($days / self::TIMESPAN_YEAR_DAYS);
$days -= $di->y * self::TIMESPAN_YEAR_DAYS;
$di->m = (int)ceil($days / self::TIMESPAN_MONTH_DAYS);
$di->d = max(0, $days - ($di->m * self::TIMESPAN_MONTH_DAYS));
return $di;