2023-12-27 01:35:22 +01:00

66 lines
1.9 KiB

#include "config.h"
int sat_config_write_example(FILE *stream) {
if(stream == NULL)
return -1;
char buff[70];
time_t curr = time(NULL);
struct tm dt = *localtime(&curr);
strftime(buff, sizeof buff, "%F %T", &dt);
fprintf(stream, "# Satori configuration\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "# Created on %s\r\n", buff);
fprintf(stream, "\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "# Sock Chat connection settings\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "sockchat:host ws://example.com/sockchat\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "sockchat:token AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "# Prefix character for commands, only the first character will be used\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "commands:prefix !\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "# Booru settings\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "booru:prefix ~\r\n");
fprintf(stream, ";booru:danbooru:token username:token\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "# Worknik API token\r\n");
fprintf(stream, ";wordnik:token tokengoeshere\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "# Uiharu URL lookup settings\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "uiharu:enable true\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "# Flashii broadcast settings\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "flashii:broadcasts:enable true\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "# This option is here to ensure you actually did the configuration.\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "# You must remove it entirely, or set it to false if you're a fuckhead, or the program won't start.\r\n");
fprintf(stream, "exampleCfg:unedited true\r\n");
return 0;
int sat_config_write_example_file(char *path) {
if(path == NULL)
return -2;
FILE *stream = fopen(path, "wb");
int err = sat_config_write_example(stream);
if(err) {
if(stream) fclose(stream);
return err;
return 0;