flash cf71bab92d Rewrote connection handling.
This has been in the works for over a month and might break things because it's a very radical change.
If it causes you to be unable to join chat, report it on the forum or try joining using the legacy chat on
2024-04-17 15:42:50 +00:00

211 lines
6 KiB

const MamiUserPermsInfo = function(rank = 0, canKick = false, canSetNick = false, canCreateChannels = false) {
if(typeof rank !== 'number')
throw 'rank must be a number';
if(typeof canKick !== 'boolean')
throw 'canKick must be a boolean';
if(typeof canSetNick !== 'boolean')
throw 'canSetNick must be a boolean';
if(typeof canCreateChannels !== 'boolean')
throw 'canCreateChannels must be a boolean';
return {
get rank() { return rank; },
get canKick() { return canKick; },
get canSetNick() { return canSetNick; },
get canCreateChannels() { return canCreateChannels; },
const MamiUserStatusInfo = function(isAway = false, message = '') {
if(typeof isAway !== 'boolean')
throw 'isAway must be a boolean';
if(typeof message !== 'string')
throw 'message must be a string';
return {
get isAway() { return isAway; },
get message() { return message; },
const MamiUserInfo = function(id, name, colour = 'inherit', status = null, perms = null) {
if(typeof id !== 'string')
throw 'id must be a string';
if(typeof name !== 'string')
throw 'name must be a string';
if(typeof colour !== 'string') // should be like, object or something maybe
throw 'colour must be a string';
if(status === null)
status = new MamiUserStatusInfo;
else if(typeof status !== 'object')
throw 'status must be an object';
if(perms === null)
perms = new MamiUserPermsInfo;
else if(typeof perms !== 'object')
throw 'perms must be an object';
let avatarChangeTime =;
return {
get id() { return id; },
get name() { return name; },
set name(value) {
if(typeof value !== 'string')
throw 'value must be a string';
name = value;
get colour() { return colour; },
set colour(value) {
if(typeof value !== 'string') // ^
throw 'value must be a string';
colour = value;
get status() { return status; },
set status(value) {
if(typeof value !== 'object' || value === null)
throw 'value must be an object';
status = value;
get perms() { return perms; },
set perms(value) {
if(typeof value !== 'object' || value === null)
throw 'value must be an object';
perms = value;
get avatarChangeTime() { return avatarChangeTime; },
set avatarChangeTime(value) {
if(typeof value !== 'number')
throw 'value must be a number';
avatarChangeTime = value;
const MamiConvertUserInfoToUmi = info => {
return {
getId: () =>,
getIdInt: () => parseInt(,
getName: () => {
let name =;
name = `<${info.status.message.substring(0, 5).toUpperCase()}>_${name}`;
return name;
setName: () => {},
getColour: () => info.colour,
setColour: () => {},
setPermissions: () => {},
getRank: () => info.perms.rank,
canBan: () => info.perms.canKick,
canSilence: () => false,
canCreateChannel: () => info.perms.canCreateChannels,
canSetNickName: () => info.perms.canSetNick,
getAvatarTime: () => info.avatarChangeTime,
bumpAvatarTime: () => {
info.avatarChangeTime =;
isBot: () => === '-1',
Umi.User = (() => {
let userInfo;
return {
hasCurrentUser: () => userInfo !== undefined,
getCurrentUser: () => userInfo,
setCurrentUser: value => { userInfo = value; },
isCurrentUser: otherInfo => otherInfo !== null && typeof otherInfo === 'object' && typeof === 'string'
&& userInfo !== null && typeof userInfo === 'object'
&& typeof === 'string'
&& (userInfo === otherInfo || ===,
Umi.Users = (function() {
const users = new Map;
const onAdd = [];
const onRemove = [];
const onClear = [];
const onUpdate = [];
return {
OnAdd: onAdd,
OnRemove: onRemove,
OnClear: onClear,
OnUpdate: onUpdate,
Add: function(user) {
const userId =;
if(!users.has(userId)) {
users.set(userId, user);
for(const i in onAdd)
Remove: function(user) {
const userId =;
if(users.has(userId)) {
for(const i in onRemove)
Clear: function() {
for(const i in onClear)
All: function() {
return Array.from(users.values());
Get: function(userId) {
userId = userId.toString();
return users.get(userId);
return null;
Find: function(userName) {
const found = [];
userName = userName.toLowerCase();
users.forEach(function(user) {
return found;
FindExact: function(userName) {
userName = userName.toLowerCase();
for(const user of users.values())
if( === userName)
return user;
return null;
Update: function(userId, user) {
userId = userId.toString();
users.set(userId, user);
for(const i in onUpdate)
onUpdate[i](userId, user);