
259 lines
7.8 KiB

const MamiAnimate = function(info) {
if(typeof info !== 'object')
throw 'info must be an object';
let onUpdate;
if('update' in info && typeof info.update === 'function')
onUpdate = info.update;
if(onUpdate === undefined)
throw 'update is a required parameter for info';
let duration;
if('duration' in info)
duration = parseFloat(info.duration);
if(duration <= 0)
throw 'duration is a required parameter for info and must be greater than 0';
let onStart;
if('start' in info && typeof info.start === 'function')
onStart = info.start;
let onEnd;
if('end' in info && typeof info.end === 'function')
onEnd = info.end;
let onCancel;
if('cancel' in info && typeof info.cancel === 'function')
onCancel = info.cancel;
let easing;
if('easing' in info)
easing = info.easing;
let delayed;
if('delayed' in info)
delayed = !!info.delayed;
let async;
if('async' in info)
async = !!info.async;
const easingType = typeof easing;
if(easingType !== 'function') {
if(easingType === 'string'
&& easing.substring(0, 4) === 'ease'
&& easing in MamiAnimate)
easing = MamiAnimate[easing];
easing = MamiAnimate.easeLinear;
let tStart, tLast,
cancel = false,
tRawCompletion = 0,
tCompletion = 0,
started = !delayed;
const update = function(tCurrent) {
if(tStart === undefined) {
tStart = tCurrent;
if(onStart !== undefined)
const tElapsed = tCurrent - tStart;
tRawCompletion = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, tElapsed / duration));
tCompletion = easing(tRawCompletion);
onUpdate(tCompletion, tRawCompletion);
if(tElapsed < duration) {
if(cancel) {
if(onCancel !== undefined)
onCancel(tCompletion, tRawCompletion);
tLast = tCurrent;
} else if(onEnd !== undefined)
let promise;
promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(onCancel === undefined) {
onCancel = reject;
} else {
const realOnCancel = onCancel;
onCancel = (...args) => {
if(onEnd === undefined) {
onEnd = resolve;
} else {
const realOnEnd = onEnd;
onEnd = (...args) => {
if(!delayed) {
if(promise !== undefined)
return promise;
return {
getCompletion: function() {
return tCompletion;
getRawCompletion: function() {
return tRawCompletion;
start: () => {
if(!started) {
started = true;
if(promise !== undefined)
return promise;
cancel: function() {
cancel = true;
// Yoinked from
MamiAnimate.C1 = 1.70158;
MamiAnimate.C2 = MamiAnimate.C1 + 1.525;
MamiAnimate.C3 = MamiAnimate.C1 + 1;
MamiAnimate.C4 = (2 * Math.PI) / 3;
MamiAnimate.C5 = (2 * Math.PI) / 4.5;
MamiAnimate.D1 = 2.75;
MamiAnimate.N1 = 7.5625;
MamiAnimate.easeLinear = function(x) { return x; };
MamiAnimate.easeInSine = function(x) { return 1 - Math.cos((x * Math.PI) / 2); };
MamiAnimate.easeOutSine = function(x) { return Math.sin((x * Math.PI) / 2); };
MamiAnimate.easeInOutSine = function(x) { return -(Math.cos(Math.PI * x) - 1) / 2; };
MamiAnimate.easeInCubic = function(x) { return x * x * x; };
MamiAnimate.easeOutCubic = function(x) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - x, 3); };
MamiAnimate.easeInOutCubic = function(x) {
return x < .5
? (4 * x * x * x)
: (1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 3) / 2);
MamiAnimate.easeInQuint = function(x) { return x * x * x * x * x; };
MamiAnimate.easeOutQuint = function(x) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - x, 5); };
MamiAnimate.easeInOutQuint = function(x) {
return x < .5
? (16 * x * x * x * x * x)
: (1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 5) / 2);
MamiAnimate.easeInCirc = function(x) { return 1 - Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(x, 2)); };
MamiAnimate.easeOutCirc = function(x) { return Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(x - 1, 2)); };
MamiAnimate.easeInOutCirc = function(x) {
return x < .5
? ((1 - Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(2 * x, 2))) / 2)
: ((Math.sqrt(1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 2)) + 1) / 2);
MamiAnimate.easeInElastic = function(x) {
if(x === 0.0)
return 0;
if(x === 1.0)
return 1;
return -Math.pow(2, 10 * x - 10) * Math.sin((x * 10 - 10.75) * MamiAnimate.C4);
MamiAnimate.easeOutElastic = function(x) {
if(x === 0.0)
return 0;
if(x === 1.0)
return 1;
return Math.pow(2, -10 * x) * Math.sin((x * 10 - .75) * MamiAnimate.C4) + 1;
MamiAnimate.easeInOutElastic = function(x) {
if(x === 0.0)
return 0;
if(x === 1.0)
return 1;
return x < .5
? (-(Math.pow(2, 20 * x - 10) * Math.sin((20 * x - 11.125) * MamiAnimate.C5)) / 2)
: ((Math.pow(2, -20 * x + 10) * Math.sin((20 * x - 11.125) * MamiAnimate.C5)) / 2 + 1);
MamiAnimate.easeInQuad = function(x) { return x * x; };
MamiAnimate.easeOutQuad = function(x) { return 1 - (1 - x) * (1 - x); };
MamiAnimate.easeInOutQuad = function(x) {
return x < .5
? (2 * x * x)
: (1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 2) / 2);
MamiAnimate.easeInQuart = function(x) { return x * x * x * x; };
MamiAnimate.easeOutQuart = function(x) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - x, 4); };
MamiAnimate.easeInOutQuart = function(x) {
return x < .5
? (8 * x * x * x * x)
: (1 - Math.pow(-2 * x + 2, 4) / 2);
MamiAnimate.easeInExpo = function(x) {
if(x === 0.0)
return 0;
return Math.pow(2, 10 * x - 10);
MamiAnimate.easeOutExpo = function(x) {
if(x === 1.0)
return 1;
return 1 - Math.pow(2, -10 * x);
MamiAnimate.easeInOutExpo = function(x) {
if(x === 0.0)
return 0;
if(x === 1.0)
return 1;
return x < .5
? (Math.pow(2, 20 * x - 10) / 2)
: ((2 - Math.pow(2, -20 * x + 10)) / 2);
MamiAnimate.easeInBack = function(x) { return MamiAnimate.C3 * x * x * x - MamiAnimate.C1 * x * x; };
MamiAnimate.easeOutBack = function(x) { return 1 + MamiAnimate.C3 * Math.pow(x - 1, 3) + MamiAnimate.C1 * Math.pow(x - 1, 2); };
MamiAnimate.easeInOutBack = function(x) {
return x < .5
? ((Math.pow(2 * x, 2) * ((MamiAnimate.C2 + 1) * 2 * x - MamiAnimate.C2)) / 2)
: ((Math.pow(2 * x - 2, 2) * ((MamiAnimate.C2 + 1) * (x * 2 - 2) + MamiAnimate.C2) + 2) / 2);
MamiAnimate.easeInBounce = function(x) { return 1 - MamiAnimate.easeOutBounce(1 - x); };
MamiAnimate.easeOutBounce = function(x) {
if(x < 1 / MamiAnimate.D1)
return MamiAnimate.N1 * x * x;
if(x < 2 / MamiAnimate.D1) {
x -= 1.5;
return MamiAnimate.N1 * (x / MamiAnimate.D1) * x + .75;
if(x < 2.5 / MamiAnimate.D1) {
x -= 2.25;
return MamiAnimate.N1 * (x / MamiAnimate.D1) * x + .9375;
x -= 2.625;
return MamiAnimate.N1 * (x / MamiAnimate.D1) * x + .984375;
MamiAnimate.easeInOutBounce = function(x) {
return x < .5
? ((1 - MamiAnimate.easeOutBounce(1 - 2 * x)) / 2)
: ((1 + MamiAnimate.easeOutBounce(2 * x - 1)) / 2);