Moved routes into classes.

This commit is contained in:
flash 2023-08-16 23:45:46 +00:00
parent 8b47c866ed
commit a708067ba7
3 changed files with 127 additions and 91 deletions

View file

@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ $templating->addVars([
$router = new HttpFx;
$router->use('/', function($response, $request) {
$router->setDefaultErrorHandler(function($response, $request, $code, $text) use ($userInfo, $templating) {
$router->setDefaultErrorHandler(function($response, $request, $code, $text) use ($templating) {
$response->setContent($templating->render('http-error', [
'error' => [
'code' => sprintf('%03d', $code),
@ -39,95 +42,7 @@ $router->setDefaultErrorHandler(function($response, $request, $code, $text) use
$router->use('/', function($response, $request) {
$router->get('/index.php', function($response) {
$response->redirect('/', true);
$router->get('/', function($response, $request) use ($userInfo, $templating) {
$name = (string)$request->getParam('name');
$error = (string)$request->getParam('error');
if(!empty($error) && ctype_lower($error)) {
$errors = [
'request' => ['Invalid request type.', 'Try to reload the page and try again.'],
'verify' => ['Request verification failed.', 'Try to reload the page and try again.'],
'itainthappenin' => ['Haha', 'No'],
'short' => ['Invalid username', 'The provided name is too short.'],
'long' => ['Invalid username', 'The provided name is too long.'],
'invalid' => ['Invalid username', 'The provided name contains invalid characters.'],
'conflict' => ['Username conflict', 'This username is already whitelisted with someone, contact flashwave if this is unexpected.'],
'connect' => ['Failed to connect to the server', 'The server is probably offline, pope flashwave if this is not expected.'],
'not-listed' => ['You have not been whitelisted yet', 'Add yourself to the whitelist before trying to remove yourself from it.'],
if(array_key_exists($error, $errors)) {
$mErrorTitle = $errors[$error][0];
$mErrorComment = $errors[$error][1];
} else {
$mErrorTitle = 'Unexpected response from server';
$mErrorComment = $error;
'error' => [
'title' => $mErrorTitle,
'body' => $mErrorComment,
if($userInfo->mc_whitelisted > 0)
$templating->setVar('whitelist_pending', floor($userInfo->mc_whitelisted / 300) === floor(time() / 300));
return $templating->render('index', [
'wladdform_username' => $name,
$router->use('/whitelist', function($response, $request) use ($csrfp) {
if(!$request->isFormContent()) {
return true;
$body = $request->getContent();
if(!$body->hasParam('csrfp') || !$csrfp->verifyToken((string)$body->getParam('csrfp'))) {
return true;
$router->post('/whitelist/add', function($response, $request) use ($db, $userInfo) {
if($userInfo->user_id == 45) {
return true;
$body = $request->getContent();
$name = (string)$body->getParam('name');
$resp = (new Whitelist($db))->add($userInfo, $name);
if($resp === '')
else {
if($resp === 'invalid')
$name = '';
$router->post('/whitelist/remove', function($response) use ($db, $userInfo) {
$resp = (new Whitelist($db))->remove($userInfo);
if($resp === '')
(new HomeRoutes($templating, $userInfo))->register($router);
(new WhitelistRoutes(new Whitelist($db), $csrfp, $userInfo))->register($router);

src/HomeRoutes.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
namespace Mince;
use Index\Routing\IRouter;
class HomeRoutes {
public function __construct(
private Templating $templating,
private object $userInfo
) {}
public function register(IRouter $router): void {
$router->get('/', [$this, 'getIndex']);
$router->get('/index.php', function($response) {
$response->redirect('/', true);
public function getIndex($response, $request) {
$name = (string)$request->getParam('name');
$error = (string)$request->getParam('error');
if(!empty($error) && ctype_lower($error)) {
$errors = [
'request' => ['Invalid request type.', 'Try to reload the page and try again.'],
'verify' => ['Request verification failed.', 'Try to reload the page and try again.'],
'itainthappenin' => ['Haha', 'No'],
'short' => ['Invalid username', 'The provided name is too short.'],
'long' => ['Invalid username', 'The provided name is too long.'],
'invalid' => ['Invalid username', 'The provided name contains invalid characters.'],
'conflict' => ['Username conflict', 'This username is already whitelisted with someone, contact flashwave if this is unexpected.'],
'connect' => ['Failed to connect to the server', 'The server is probably offline, pope flashwave if this is not expected.'],
'not-listed' => ['You have not been whitelisted yet', 'Add yourself to the whitelist before trying to remove yourself from it.'],
if(array_key_exists($error, $errors)) {
$errTitle = $errors[$error][0];
$errBody = $errors[$error][1];
} else {
$errTitle = 'Unexpected response from server';
$errBody = $error;
'error' => [
'title' => $errTitle,
'body' => $errBody,
if($this->userInfo->mc_whitelisted > 0)
$this->templating->setVar('whitelist_pending', floor($this->userInfo->mc_whitelisted / 300) === floor(time() / 300));
return $this->templating->render('index', [
'wladdform_username' => $name,

src/WhitelistRoutes.php Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
namespace Mince;
use Index\Routing\IRouter;
use Index\Security\CSRFP;
class WhitelistRoutes {
public function __construct(
private Whitelist $whitelist,
private CSRFP $csrfp,
private object $userInfo
) {}
public function register(IRouter $router): void {
$router->use('/whitelist', [$this, 'verifyRequest']);
$router->post('/whitelist/add', [$this, 'postAdd']);
$router->post('/whitelist/remove', [$this, 'postRemove']);
public function verifyRequest($response, $request) {
if(!$request->isFormContent()) {
return true;
$body = $request->getContent();
if(!$body->hasParam('csrfp') || !$this->csrfp->verifyToken((string)$body->getParam('csrfp'))) {
return true;
public function postAdd($response, $request) {
if($this->userInfo->user_id == 45) {
return true;
$body = $request->getContent();
$name = (string)$body->getParam('name');
$resp = $this->whitelist->add($this->userInfo, $name);
if($resp === '')
else {
if($resp === 'invalid')
$name = '';
public function postRemove($response) {
$resp = $this->whitelist->remove($this->userInfo);
if($resp === '')