flash d0e3f6ce65 Normalised custom exception usage in user classes.
Also updated the Index library to include the MediaType fix.
2023-07-22 15:02:45 +00:00

64 lines
2.2 KiB

namespace Misuzu\Comments;
use RuntimeException;
use Misuzu\DB;
use Misuzu\Users\User;
class CommentsParser {
private const MARKUP_USERNAME = '#\B(?:@{1}(' . User::NAME_REGEX . '))#u';
private const MARKUP_USERID = '#\B(?:@{2}([0-9]+))#u';
public static function parseForStorage(string $text): string {
return preg_replace_callback(self::MARKUP_USERNAME, function ($matches) {
try {
return sprintf('@@%d', User::byUsername($matches[1])->getId());
} catch(RuntimeException $ex) {
return $matches[0];
}, $text);
public static function parseForDisplay(string $text): string {
$text = htmlentities($text);
$text = preg_replace_callback(
'/(^|[\n ])([\w]*?)([\w]*?:\/\/[\w]+[^ \,\"\n\r\t<]*)/is',
function ($matches) {
$matches[0] = trim($matches[0]);
$url = parse_url($matches[0]);
if(empty($url['scheme']) || !in_array(mb_strtolower($url['scheme']), ['http', 'https'], true))
return $matches[0];
return sprintf(' <a href="%1$s" class="link" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">%1$s</a>', $matches[0]);
$text = preg_replace_callback(self::MARKUP_USERID, function ($matches) {
$getInfo = DB::prepare('
u.`user_id`, u.`username`,
COALESCE(u.`user_colour`, r.`role_colour`) as `user_colour`
FROM `msz_users` as u
LEFT JOIN `msz_roles` as r
ON u.`display_role` = r.`role_id`
WHERE `user_id` = :user_id
$getInfo->bind('user_id', $matches[1]);
$info = $getInfo->fetch();
return $matches[0];
return sprintf(
'<a href="%s" class="comment__mention", style="%s">@%s</a>',
url('user-profile', ['user' => $info['user_id']]),
}, $text);
return nl2br($text);