using Fleck; using SharpChat.Commands; using SharpChat.Events; using SharpChat.Flashii; using SharpChat.Packet; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Http; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace SharpChat { public class SockChatServer : IDisposable { public const int MSG_LENGTH_MAX = 5000; #if DEBUG public const int MAX_CONNECTIONS = 9001; public const int FLOOD_KICK_LENGTH = 5; public const bool ENABLE_TYPING_EVENT = true; #else public const int MAX_CONNECTIONS = 5; public const int FLOOD_KICK_LENGTH = 30; public const bool ENABLE_TYPING_EVENT = false; #endif public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; } public static ChatUser Bot { get; } = new ChatUser { UserId = -1, Username = @"ChatBot", Rank = 0, Colour = new ChatColour(), }; public IWebSocketServer Server { get; } public ChatContext Context { get; } public static HttpClient HttpClient { get; } private IReadOnlyCollection Commands { get; } = new IChatCommand[] { new AFKCommand(), }; public List Sessions { get; } = new List(); private object SessionsLock { get; } = new object(); public ChatUserSession GetSession(IWebSocketConnection conn) { lock(SessionsLock) return Sessions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Connection == conn); } static SockChatServer() { // "fuck it" HttpClient = new HttpClient(); HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.UserAgent.ParseAdd(@"SharpChat"); } private ManualResetEvent Shutdown { get; } private bool IsShuttingDown = false; public SockChatServer(ManualResetEvent mre, ushort port) { Logger.Write("Starting Sock Chat server..."); Shutdown = mre ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mre)); Context = new ChatContext(this); Context.Channels.Add(new ChatChannel(@"Lounge")); #if DEBUG Context.Channels.Add(new ChatChannel(@"Programming")); Context.Channels.Add(new ChatChannel(@"Games")); Context.Channels.Add(new ChatChannel(@"Splatoon")); Context.Channels.Add(new ChatChannel(@"Password") { Password = @"meow", }); #endif Context.Channels.Add(new ChatChannel(@"Staff") { Rank = 5 }); Server = new SharpChatWebSocketServer($@"ws://{port}"); Server.Start(sock => { if(IsShuttingDown || IsDisposed) { sock.Close(1013); return; } sock.OnOpen = () => OnOpen(sock); sock.OnClose = () => OnClose(sock); sock.OnError = err => OnError(sock, err); sock.OnMessage = msg => OnMessage(sock, msg); }); } private void OnOpen(IWebSocketConnection conn) { lock(SessionsLock) { if(!Sessions.Any(x => x.Connection == conn)) Sessions.Add(new ChatUserSession(conn)); } Context.Update(); } private void OnClose(IWebSocketConnection conn) { ChatUserSession sess = GetSession(conn); // Remove connection from user if(sess?.User != null) { // RemoveConnection sets conn.User to null so we must grab a local copy. ChatUser user = sess.User; user.RemoveSession(sess); if(!user.HasSessions) Context.UserLeave(null, user); } // Update context Context.Update(); // Remove connection from server lock(SessionsLock) Sessions.Remove(sess); sess?.Dispose(); } private void OnError(IWebSocketConnection conn, Exception ex) { ChatUserSession sess = GetSession(conn); string sessId = sess?.Id ?? new string('0', ChatUserSession.ID_LENGTH); Logger.Write($@"[{sessId} {conn.ConnectionInfo.ClientIpAddress}] {ex}"); Context.Update(); } private void OnMessage(IWebSocketConnection conn, string msg) { Context.Update(); ChatUserSession sess = GetSession(conn); if(sess == null) { conn.Close(); return; } if(sess.User is ChatUser && sess.User.HasFloodProtection) { sess.User.RateLimiter.AddTimePoint(); if(sess.User.RateLimiter.State == ChatRateLimitState.Kick) { Context.BanUser(sess.User, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddSeconds(FLOOD_KICK_LENGTH), false, UserDisconnectReason.Flood); return; } else if(sess.User.RateLimiter.State == ChatRateLimitState.Warning) sess.User.Send(new FloodWarningPacket()); // make it so this thing only sends once } string[] args = msg.Split('\t'); if(args.Length < 1 || !Enum.TryParse(args[0], out SockChatClientPacket opCode)) return; switch(opCode) { case SockChatClientPacket.Ping: if(!int.TryParse(args[1], out int pTime)) break; sess.BumpPing(); sess.Send(new PongPacket(sess.LastPing)); break; case SockChatClientPacket.Authenticate: if(sess.User != null) break; DateTimeOffset aBanned = Context.Bans.Check(sess.RemoteAddress); if(aBanned > DateTimeOffset.UtcNow) { sess.Send(new AuthFailPacket(AuthFailReason.Banned, aBanned)); sess.Dispose(); break; } if(args.Length < 3 || !long.TryParse(args[1], out long aUserId)) break; FlashiiAuth.Attempt(HttpClient, new FlashiiAuthRequest { UserId = aUserId, Token = args[2], IPAddress = sess.RemoteAddress.ToString(), }).ContinueWith(authTask => { if(authTask.IsFaulted) { Logger.Write($@"<{sess.Id}> Auth task fail: {authTask.Exception}"); sess.Send(new AuthFailPacket(AuthFailReason.AuthInvalid)); sess.Dispose(); return; } FlashiiAuth auth = authTask.Result; if(!auth.Success) { Logger.Debug($@"<{sess.Id}> Auth fail: {auth.Reason}"); sess.Send(new AuthFailPacket(AuthFailReason.AuthInvalid)); sess.Dispose(); return; } ChatUser aUser = Context.Users.Get(auth.UserId); if(aUser == null) aUser = new ChatUser(auth); else { aUser.ApplyAuth(auth); aUser.Channel?.Send(new UserUpdatePacket(aUser)); } aBanned = Context.Bans.Check(aUser); if(aBanned > DateTimeOffset.Now) { sess.Send(new AuthFailPacket(AuthFailReason.Banned, aBanned)); sess.Dispose(); return; } // Enforce a maximum amount of connections per user if(aUser.SessionCount >= MAX_CONNECTIONS) { sess.Send(new AuthFailPacket(AuthFailReason.MaxSessions)); sess.Dispose(); return; } // Bumping the ping to prevent upgrading sess.BumpPing(); aUser.AddSession(sess); sess.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.WELCOME, false, $@"Welcome to Flashii Chat, {aUser.Username}!")); if(File.Exists(@"welcome.txt")) { IEnumerable lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"welcome.txt").Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)); string line = lines.ElementAtOrDefault(RNG.Next(lines.Count())); if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) sess.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.WELCOME, false, line)); } Context.HandleJoin(aUser, Context.Channels.DefaultChannel, sess); }); break; case SockChatClientPacket.MessageSend: if(args.Length < 3) break; ChatUser mUser = sess.User; // No longer concats everything after index 1 with \t, no previous implementation did that either string messageText = args.ElementAtOrDefault(2); if(mUser == null || !mUser.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SendMessage) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(messageText)) break; #if !DEBUG // Extra validation step, not necessary at all but enforces proper formatting in SCv1. if (!long.TryParse(args[1], out long mUserId) || mUser.UserId != mUserId) break; #endif ChatChannel mChannel = mUser.CurrentChannel; if(mChannel == null || !mUser.InChannel(mChannel) || (mUser.IsSilenced && !mUser.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SilenceUser))) break; if(mUser.Status != ChatUserStatus.Online) { mUser.Status = ChatUserStatus.Online; mChannel.Send(new UserUpdatePacket(mUser)); } if(messageText.Length > MSG_LENGTH_MAX) messageText = messageText.Substring(0, MSG_LENGTH_MAX); messageText = messageText.Trim(); #if DEBUG Logger.Write($@"<{sess.Id} {mUser.Username}> {messageText}"); #endif IChatMessage message = null; if(messageText[0] == '/') { message = HandleV1Command(messageText, mUser, mChannel); if(message == null) break; } if(message == null) message = new ChatMessage { Target = mChannel, TargetName = mChannel.TargetName, DateTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, Sender = mUser, Text = messageText, }; Context.Events.Add(message); mChannel.Send(new ChatMessageAddPacket(message)); break; case SockChatClientPacket.FocusChannel: if(sess.User == null || args.Length < 2) break; ChatChannel fChannel = Context.Channels.Get(args[1]); if(fChannel == null || sess.User.CurrentChannel == fChannel) break; sess.User.FocusChannel(fChannel); break; case SockChatClientPacket.Typing: if(!ENABLE_TYPING_EVENT || sess.User == null) break; ChatChannel tChannel = sess.User.CurrentChannel; if(tChannel == null || !tChannel.CanType(sess.User)) break; ChatChannelTyping tInfo = tChannel.RegisterTyping(sess.User); if(tInfo == null) return; tChannel.Send(new TypingPacket(tChannel, tInfo)); break; } } public IChatMessage HandleV1Command(string message, ChatUser user, ChatChannel channel) { string[] parts = message.Substring(1).Split(' '); string commandName = parts[0].Replace(@".", string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant(); for(int i = 1; i < parts.Length; i++) parts[i] = parts[i].Replace(@"<", @"<") .Replace(@">", @">") .Replace("\n", @"
"); IChatCommand command = null; foreach(IChatCommand cmd in Commands) if(cmd.IsMatch(commandName)) { command = cmd; break; } if(command != null) return command.Dispatch(new ChatCommandContext(parts, user, channel)); switch(commandName) { case @"nick": // sets a temporary nickname bool setOthersNick = user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SetOthersNickname); if(!setOthersNick && !user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SetOwnNickname)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } ChatUser targetUser = null; int offset = 1; if(setOthersNick && parts.Length > 1 && long.TryParse(parts[1], out long targetUserId) && targetUserId > 0) { targetUser = Context.Users.Get(targetUserId); offset = 2; } if(targetUser == null) targetUser = user; if(parts.Length < offset) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_FORMAT_ERROR)); break; } string nickStr = string.Join('_', parts.Skip(offset)) .Replace(' ', '_') .Replace("\n", string.Empty) .Replace("\r", string.Empty) .Replace("\f", string.Empty) .Replace("\t", string.Empty) .Trim(); if(nickStr == targetUser.Username) nickStr = null; else if(nickStr.Length > 15) nickStr = nickStr.Substring(0, 15); else if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(nickStr)) nickStr = null; if(nickStr != null && Context.Users.Get(nickStr) != null) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.NAME_IN_USE, true, nickStr)); break; } string previousName = targetUser == user ? (targetUser.Nickname ?? targetUser.Username) : null; targetUser.Nickname = nickStr; channel.Send(new UserUpdatePacket(targetUser, previousName)); break; case @"whisper": // sends a pm to another user case @"msg": if(parts.Length < 3) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_FORMAT_ERROR)); break; } ChatUser whisperUser = Context.Users.Get(parts[1]); if(whisperUser == null) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USER_NOT_FOUND, true, parts[1])); break; } if(whisperUser == user) break; string whisperStr = string.Join(' ', parts.Skip(2)); whisperUser.Send(new ChatMessageAddPacket(new ChatMessage { DateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now, Target = whisperUser, TargetName = whisperUser.TargetName, Sender = user, Text = whisperStr, Flags = ChatMessageFlags.Private, })); user.Send(new ChatMessageAddPacket(new ChatMessage { DateTime = DateTimeOffset.Now, Target = whisperUser, TargetName = whisperUser.TargetName, Sender = user, Text = $@"{whisperUser.DisplayName} {whisperStr}", Flags = ChatMessageFlags.Private, })); break; case @"action": // describe an action case @"me": if(parts.Length < 2) break; string actionMsg = string.Join(' ', parts.Skip(1)); return new ChatMessage { Target = channel, TargetName = channel.TargetName, DateTime = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, Sender = user, Text = actionMsg, Flags = ChatMessageFlags.Action, }; case @"who": // gets all online users/online users in a channel if arg StringBuilder whoChanSB = new StringBuilder(); string whoChanStr = parts.Length > 1 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(parts[1]) ? parts[1] : string.Empty; if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(whoChanStr)) { ChatChannel whoChan = Context.Channels.Get(whoChanStr); if(whoChan == null) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND, true, whoChanStr)); break; } if(whoChan.Rank > user.Rank || (whoChan.HasPassword && !user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.JoinAnyChannel))) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USERS_LISTING_ERROR, true, whoChanStr)); break; } foreach(ChatUser whoUser in whoChan.GetUsers()) { whoChanSB.Append(@""); whoChanSB.Append(whoUser.DisplayName); whoChanSB.Append(@", "); } if(whoChanSB.Length > 2) whoChanSB.Length -= 2; user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USERS_LISTING_CHANNEL, false, whoChan.Name, whoChanSB)); } else { foreach(ChatUser whoUser in Context.Users.All()) { whoChanSB.Append(@""); whoChanSB.Append(whoUser.DisplayName); whoChanSB.Append(@", "); } if(whoChanSB.Length > 2) whoChanSB.Length -= 2; user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USERS_LISTING_SERVER, false, whoChanSB)); } break; // double alias for delchan and delmsg // if the argument is a number we're deleting a message // if the argument is a string we're deleting a channel case @"delete": if(parts.Length < 2) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_FORMAT_ERROR)); break; } if(parts[1].All(char.IsDigit)) goto case @"delmsg"; goto case @"delchan"; // anyone can use these case @"join": // join a channel if(parts.Length < 2) break; ChatChannel joinChan = Context.Channels.Get(parts[1]); if(joinChan == null) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND, true, parts[1])); user.ForceChannel(); break; } Context.SwitchChannel(user, joinChan, string.Join(' ', parts.Skip(2))); break; case @"create": // create a new channel if(user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.CreateChannel)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } bool createChanHasHierarchy; if(parts.Length < 2 || (createChanHasHierarchy = parts[1].All(char.IsDigit) && parts.Length < 3)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_FORMAT_ERROR)); break; } int createChanHierarchy = 0; if(createChanHasHierarchy) int.TryParse(parts[1], out createChanHierarchy); if(createChanHierarchy > user.Rank) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.INSUFFICIENT_HIERARCHY)); break; } string createChanName = string.Join('_', parts.Skip(createChanHasHierarchy ? 2 : 1)); ChatChannel createChan = new ChatChannel { Name = createChanName, IsTemporary = !user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SetChannelPermanent), Rank = createChanHierarchy, Owner = user, }; try { Context.Channels.Add(createChan); } catch(ChannelExistException) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.CHANNEL_ALREADY_EXISTS, true, createChan.Name)); break; } catch(ChannelInvalidNameException) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.CHANNEL_NAME_INVALID)); break; } Context.SwitchChannel(user, createChan, createChan.Password); user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.CHANNEL_CREATED, false, createChan.Name)); break; case @"delchan": // delete a channel if(parts.Length < 2 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parts[1])) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_FORMAT_ERROR)); break; } string delChanName = string.Join('_', parts.Skip(1)); ChatChannel delChan = Context.Channels.Get(delChanName); if(delChan == null) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.CHANNEL_NOT_FOUND, true, delChanName)); break; } if(!user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.DeleteChannel) && delChan.Owner != user) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.CHANNEL_DELETE_FAILED, true, delChan.Name)); break; } Context.Channels.Remove(delChan); user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.CHANNEL_DELETED, false, delChan.Name)); break; case @"password": // set a password on the channel case @"pwd": if(!user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SetChannelPassword) || channel.Owner != user) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } string chanPass = string.Join(' ', parts.Skip(1)).Trim(); if(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(chanPass)) chanPass = string.Empty; Context.Channels.Update(channel, password: chanPass); user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.CHANNEL_PASSWORD_CHANGED, false)); break; case @"privilege": // sets a minimum hierarchy requirement on the channel case @"rank": case @"priv": if(!user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SetChannelHierarchy) || channel.Owner != user) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } if(parts.Length < 2 || !int.TryParse(parts[1], out int chanHierarchy) || chanHierarchy > user.Rank) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.INSUFFICIENT_HIERARCHY)); break; } Context.Channels.Update(channel, hierarchy: chanHierarchy); user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.CHANNEL_HIERARCHY_CHANGED, false)); break; case @"say": // pretend to be the bot if(!user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.Broadcast)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } Context.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.BROADCAST, false, string.Join(' ', parts.Skip(1)))); break; case @"delmsg": // deletes a message bool deleteAnyMessage = user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.DeleteAnyMessage); if(!deleteAnyMessage && !user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.DeleteOwnMessage)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } if(parts.Length < 2 || !parts[1].All(char.IsDigit) || !long.TryParse(parts[1], out long delSeqId)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_FORMAT_ERROR)); break; } IChatEvent delMsg = Context.Events.Get(delSeqId); if(delMsg == null || delMsg.Sender.Rank > user.Rank || (!deleteAnyMessage && delMsg.Sender.UserId != user.UserId)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.MESSAGE_DELETE_ERROR)); break; } Context.Events.Remove(delMsg); break; case @"kick": // kick a user from the server case @"ban": // ban a user from the server, this differs from /kick in that it adds all remote address to the ip banlist bool isBanning = commandName == @"ban"; if(!user.Can(isBanning ? ChatUserPermissions.BanUser : ChatUserPermissions.KickUser)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } ChatUser banUser; if(parts.Length < 2 || (banUser = Context.Users.Get(parts[1])) == null) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USER_NOT_FOUND, true, parts.Length < 2 ? @"User" : parts[1])); break; } if(banUser == user || banUser.Rank >= user.Rank || Context.Bans.Check(banUser) > DateTimeOffset.Now) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.KICK_NOT_ALLOWED, true, banUser.DisplayName)); break; } DateTimeOffset? banUntil = isBanning ? (DateTimeOffset?)DateTimeOffset.MaxValue : null; if(parts.Length > 2) { if(!double.TryParse(parts[2], out double silenceSeconds)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_FORMAT_ERROR)); break; } banUntil = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddSeconds(silenceSeconds); } Context.BanUser(banUser, banUntil, isBanning); break; case @"pardon": case @"unban": if(!user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.BanUser | ChatUserPermissions.KickUser)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } if(parts.Length < 2) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USER_NOT_BANNED, true, string.Empty)); break; } BannedUser unbanUser = Context.Bans.GetUser(parts[1]); if(unbanUser == null || unbanUser.Expires <= DateTimeOffset.Now) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USER_NOT_BANNED, true, unbanUser?.Username ?? parts[1])); break; } Context.Bans.Remove(unbanUser); user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USER_UNBANNED, false, unbanUser)); break; case @"pardonip": case @"unbanip": if(!user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.BanUser | ChatUserPermissions.KickUser)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } if(parts.Length < 2 || !IPAddress.TryParse(parts[1], out IPAddress unbanIP)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USER_NOT_BANNED, true, string.Empty)); break; } if(Context.Bans.Check(unbanIP) <= DateTimeOffset.Now) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USER_NOT_BANNED, true, unbanIP)); break; } Context.Bans.Remove(unbanIP); user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USER_UNBANNED, false, unbanIP)); break; case @"bans": // gets a list of bans case @"banned": if(!user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.BanUser | ChatUserPermissions.KickUser)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } user.Send(new BanListPacket(Context.Bans.All())); break; case @"silence": // silence a user if(!user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SilenceUser)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } ChatUser silUser; if(parts.Length < 2 || (silUser = Context.Users.Get(parts[1])) == null) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USER_NOT_FOUND, true, parts.Length < 2 ? @"User" : parts[1])); break; } if(silUser == user) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.SILENCE_SELF)); break; } if(silUser.Rank >= user.Rank) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.SILENCE_HIERARCHY)); break; } if(silUser.IsSilenced) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.SILENCE_ALREADY)); break; } DateTimeOffset silenceUntil = DateTimeOffset.MaxValue; if(parts.Length > 2) { if(!double.TryParse(parts[2], out double silenceSeconds)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_FORMAT_ERROR)); break; } silenceUntil = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddSeconds(silenceSeconds); } silUser.SilencedUntil = silenceUntil; silUser.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.SILENCED, false)); user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.TARGET_SILENCED, false, silUser.DisplayName)); break; case @"unsilence": // unsilence a user if(!user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SilenceUser)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } ChatUser unsilUser; if(parts.Length < 2 || (unsilUser = Context.Users.Get(parts[1])) == null) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USER_NOT_FOUND, true, parts.Length < 2 ? @"User" : parts[1])); break; } if(unsilUser.Rank >= user.Rank) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.UNSILENCE_HIERARCHY)); break; } if(!unsilUser.IsSilenced) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.NOT_SILENCED)); break; } unsilUser.SilencedUntil = DateTimeOffset.MinValue; unsilUser.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.UNSILENCED, false)); user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.TARGET_UNSILENCED, false, unsilUser.DisplayName)); break; case @"ip": // gets a user's ip (from all connections in this case) case @"whois": if(!user.Can(ChatUserPermissions.SeeIPAddress)) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, @"/ip")); break; } ChatUser ipUser; if(parts.Length < 2 || (ipUser = Context.Users.Get(parts[1])) == null) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.USER_NOT_FOUND, true, parts.Length < 2 ? @"User" : parts[1])); break; } foreach(IPAddress ip in ipUser.RemoteAddresses.Distinct().ToArray()) user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.IP_ADDRESS, false, ipUser.Username, ip)); break; case @"shutdown": case @"restart": if(user.UserId != 1) { user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_ALLOWED, true, $@"/{commandName}")); break; } if(IsShuttingDown) break; IsShuttingDown = true; if(commandName == @"restart") lock(SessionsLock) Sessions.ForEach(s => s.PrepareForRestart()); Context.Update(); Shutdown.Set(); break; default: user.Send(new LegacyCommandResponse(LCR.COMMAND_NOT_FOUND, true, commandName)); break; } return null; } ~SockChatServer() => Dispose(false); public void Dispose() => Dispose(true); private void Dispose(bool disposing) { if(IsDisposed) return; IsDisposed = true; lock(SessionsLock) Sessions.ForEach(s => s.Dispose()); Server?.Dispose(); Context?.Dispose(); HttpClient?.Dispose(); if(disposing) GC.SuppressFinalize(this); } } }