*/ private array $prefixRaw; private int $prefixLength; /** @param string[] $prefixRaw */ public function __construct(IConfig $config, array $prefixRaw) { if(empty($prefixRaw)) throw new InvalidArgumentException('$prefix may not be empty.'); $scopeChar = $config->getSeparator(); $prefix = implode($scopeChar, $prefixRaw) . $scopeChar; $this->config = $config; $this->prefix = $prefix; $this->prefixRaw = $prefixRaw; $this->prefixLength = strlen($prefix); } /** * @param string|string[] $names * @return string[] */ private function prefixNames(string|array $names): array { if(is_string($names)) return [$this->prefix . $names]; foreach($names as $key => $name) $names[$key] = $this->prefix . $name; return $names; } private function prefixName(string $name): string { return $this->prefix . $name; } public function scopeTo(string ...$prefix): IConfig { return $this->config->scopeTo(...array_merge($this->prefixRaw, $prefix)); } public function getSeparator(): string { return $this->config->getSeparator(); } public function hasValues(string|array $names): bool { return $this->config->hasValues($this->prefixNames($names)); } public function removeValues(string|array $names): void { $this->config->removeValues($this->prefixNames($names)); } public function getAllValueInfos(int $range = 0, int $offset = 0): array { $infos = $this->config->getAllValueInfos($range, $offset); foreach($infos as $key => $info) $infos[$key] = new ScopedConfigValueInfo($info, $this->prefixLength); return $infos; } public function getValueInfos(string|array $names): array { $infos = $this->config->getValueInfos($this->prefixNames($names)); foreach($infos as $key => $info) $infos[$key] = new ScopedConfigValueInfo($info, $this->prefixLength); return $infos; } public function getValueInfo(string $name): ?IConfigValueInfo { $info = $this->config->getValueInfo($this->prefixName($name)); if($info !== null) $info = new ScopedConfigValueInfo($info, $this->prefixLength); return $info; } public function getValues(array $specs): array { foreach($specs as $key => $spec) { if(is_string($spec)) $specs[$key] = $this->prefixName($spec); elseif(is_array($spec) && !empty($spec)) $specs[$key][0] = $this->prefixName($spec[0]); else throw new InvalidArgumentException('$specs array contains an invalid entry.'); } $results = []; foreach($this->config->getValues($specs) as $name => $result) // prefix removal should probably be done with a whitelist of sorts $results[str_starts_with($name, $this->prefix) ? substr($name, $this->prefixLength) : $name] = $result; return $results; } public function getString(string $name, string $default = ''): string { return $this->config->getString($this->prefixName($name), $default); } public function getInteger(string $name, int $default = 0): int { return $this->config->getInteger($this->prefixName($name), $default); } public function getFloat(string $name, float $default = 0): float { return $this->config->getFloat($this->prefixName($name), $default); } public function getBoolean(string $name, bool $default = false): bool { return $this->config->getBoolean($this->prefixName($name), $default); } public function getArray(string $name, array $default = []): array { return $this->config->getArray($this->prefixName($name), $default); } public function setValues(array $values): void { if(empty($values)) return; $prefixed = []; foreach($values as $name => $value) $prefixed[$this->prefixName($name)] = $value; $this->config->setValues($values); } public function setString(string $name, string $value): void { $this->config->setString($this->prefixName($name), $value); } public function setInteger(string $name, int $value): void { $this->config->setInteger($this->prefixName($name), $value); } public function setFloat(string $name, float $value): void { $this->config->setFloat($this->prefixName($name), $value); } public function setBoolean(string $name, bool $value): void { $this->config->setBoolean($this->prefixName($name), $value); } public function setArray(string $name, array $value): void { $this->config->setArray($this->prefixName($name), $value); } }