namespace BackupManager { public class Config { public StorageMethod StorageMethod { get; set; } = StorageMethod.GoogleDrive; public string GoogleClientId { get; set; } public string GoogleClientSecret { get; set; } public string GoogleBackupDirectory { get; set; } = @"Backups"; // these should not be edited in the xml file public string GoogleAccessToken { get; set; } public string GoogleTokenType { get; set; } public long? GoogleTokenExpires { get; set; } public string GoogleRefreshToken { get; set; } public string GoogleTokenIssued { get; set; } public string SftpHost { get; set; } public ushort SftpPort { get; set; } public string SftpUsername { get; set; } public string SftpPassphrase { get; set; } public string SftpPrivateKey { get; set; } public string SftpBackupDirectoryPath { get; set; } public string SftpTrustedHost { get; set; } public string MySqlDumpPathWindows { get; set; } = @"C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin\mysqldump.exe"; public string MySqlDumpPath { get; set; } = @"mysqldump"; public string MySqlHost { get; set; } = @"localhost"; public string MySqlUser { get; set; } public string MySqlPass { get; set; } public string MySqlDatabases { get; set; } = @"misuzu"; public string MisuzuPath { get; set; } public string SatoriHost { get; set; } public ushort SatoriPort { get; set; } public string SatoriSecret { get; set; } public bool SatoriErrorsOnly { get; set; } = true; } }