isBanned()) { echo render_info('You have been banned, check your profile for more information.', 403); return; } if($currentUserInfo->isSilenced()) { echo render_info('You have been silenced, check your profile for more information.', 403); return; } header(CSRF::header()); $commentPerms = $currentUserInfo->commentPerms(); $commentId = (int)filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'c', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); $commentMode = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'm'); $commentVote = (int)filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'v', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); if($commentId > 0) try { $commentInfo2 = CommentsPost::byId($commentId); } catch(CommentsPostNotFoundException $ex) { echo render_info('Post not found.', 404); return; } switch($commentMode) { case 'pin': case 'unpin': if(!$commentPerms['can_pin'] && !$commentInfo2->isOwner($currentUserInfo)) { echo render_info("You're not allowed to pin comments.", 403); break; } if($commentInfo2->isDeleted()) { echo render_info("This comment doesn't exist!", 400); break; } if($commentInfo2->hasParent()) { echo render_info("You can't pin replies!", 400); break; } $isPinning = $commentMode === 'pin'; if($isPinning && $commentInfo2->isPinned()) { echo render_info('This comment is already pinned.', 400); break; } elseif(!$isPinning && !$commentInfo2->isPinned()) { echo render_info("This comment isn't pinned yet.", 400); break; } $commentInfo2->setPinned($isPinning); $commentInfo2->save(); redirect($redirect . '#comment-' . $commentInfo2->getId()); break; case 'vote': if(!$commentPerms['can_vote'] && !$commentInfo2->isOwner($currentUserInfo)) { echo render_info("You're not allowed to vote on comments.", 403); break; } if($commentInfo2->isDeleted()) { echo render_info("This comment doesn't exist!", 400); break; } if($commentVote > 0) $commentInfo2->addPositiveVote($currentUserInfo); elseif($commentVote < 0) $commentInfo2->addNegativeVote($currentUserInfo); else $commentInfo2->removeVote($currentUserInfo); redirect($redirect . '#comment-' . $commentInfo2->getId()); break; case 'delete': if(!$commentPerms['can_delete'] && !$commentInfo2->isOwner($currentUserInfo)) { echo render_info("You're not allowed to delete comments.", 403); break; } if($commentInfo2->isDeleted()) { echo render_info( $commentPerms['can_delete_any'] ? 'This comment is already marked for deletion.' : "This comment doesn't exist.", 400 ); break; } $isOwnComment = $commentInfo2->getUserId() === $currentUserInfo->getId(); $isModAction = $commentPerms['can_delete_any'] && !$isOwnComment; if(!$isModAction && !$isOwnComment) { echo render_info("You're not allowed to delete comments made by others.", 403); break; } $commentInfo2->setDeleted(true); $commentInfo2->save(); if($isModAction) { AuditLog::create(AuditLog::COMMENT_ENTRY_DELETE_MOD, [ $commentInfo2->getId(), $commentUserId = $commentInfo2->getUserId(), ($commentUserId < 1 ? '(Deleted User)' : $commentInfo2->getUser()->getUsername()), ]); } else { AuditLog::create(AuditLog::COMMENT_ENTRY_DELETE, [$commentInfo2->getId()]); } redirect($redirect); break; case 'restore': if(!$commentPerms['can_delete_any']) { echo render_info("You're not allowed to restore deleted comments.", 403); break; } if(!$commentInfo2->isDeleted()) { echo render_info("This comment isn't in a deleted state.", 400); break; } $commentInfo2->setDeleted(false); $commentInfo2->save(); AuditLog::create(AuditLog::COMMENT_ENTRY_RESTORE, [ $commentInfo2->getId(), $commentUserId = $commentInfo2->getUserId(), ($commentUserId < 1 ? '(Deleted User)' : $commentInfo2->getUser()->getUsername()), ]); redirect($redirect . '#comment-' . $commentInfo2->getId()); break; case 'create': if(!$commentPerms['can_comment'] && !$commentInfo2->isOwner($currentUserInfo)) { echo render_info("You're not allowed to post comments.", 403); break; } if(empty($_POST['comment']) || !is_array($_POST['comment'])) { echo render_info('Missing data.', 400); break; } try { $categoryInfo = CommentsCategory::byId( isset($_POST['comment']['category']) && is_string($_POST['comment']['category']) ? (int)$_POST['comment']['category'] : 0 ); } catch(CommentsCategoryNotFoundException $ex) { echo render_info('This comment category doesn\'t exist.', 404); break; } if($categoryInfo->isLocked() && !$commentPerms['can_lock']) { echo render_info('This comment category has been locked.', 403); break; } $commentText = !empty($_POST['comment']['text']) && is_string($_POST['comment']['text']) ? $_POST['comment']['text'] : ''; $commentReply = !empty($_POST['comment']['reply']) && is_string($_POST['comment']['reply']) ? (int)$_POST['comment']['reply'] : 0; $commentLock = !empty($_POST['comment']['lock']) && $commentPerms['can_lock']; $commentPin = !empty($_POST['comment']['pin']) && $commentPerms['can_pin']; if($commentLock) { $categoryInfo->setLocked(!$categoryInfo->isLocked()); $categoryInfo->save(); } if(strlen($commentText) > 0) { $commentText = preg_replace("/[\r\n]{2,}/", "\n", $commentText); } else { if($commentPerms['can_lock']) { echo render_info('The action has been processed.'); } else { echo render_info('Your comment is too short.', 400); } break; } if(mb_strlen($commentText) > 5000) { echo render_info('Your comment is too long.', 400); break; } if($commentReply > 0) { try { $parentCommentInfo = CommentsPost::byId($commentReply); } catch(CommentsPostNotFoundException $ex) { unset($parentCommentInfo); } if(!isset($parentCommentInfo) || $parentCommentInfo->isDeleted()) { echo render_info('The comment you tried to reply to does not exist.', 404); break; } } $commentInfo2 = (new CommentsPost) ->setUser($currentUserInfo) ->setCategory($categoryInfo) ->setParsedText($commentText) ->setPinned($commentPin); if(isset($parentCommentInfo)) $commentInfo2->setParent($parentCommentInfo); try { $commentInfo2->save(); } catch(CommentsPostSaveFailedException $ex) { echo render_info('Something went horribly wrong.', 500); break; } redirect($redirect . '#comment-' . $commentInfo2->getId()); break; default: echo render_info('Not found.', 404); }