{% extends 'manage/general/master.twig' %} {% from 'macros.twig' import container_title %} {% block manage_content %}
{{ container_title(' Twitter Connection') }}
Manages the Twitter connection for announcing news posts on the Twitter account.
{% if twitter_has_oauth2 %} {% if twitter_has_access %}
A Twitter user has been authenticated. Current access token expires .
{% if twitter_has_refresh %} Refresh Access {% endif %} Revoke Access
{% else %}
No Twitter user has been authorised yet. Before beginning authorization, make sure you're logged into Twitter with the desired user.
Begin Authorisation
{% endif %} {% else %}
Twitter OAuth2 credentials have not been registered. Add them through Settings as twitter.oauth2.clientId and twitter.oauth2.clientSecret.
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}