{% macro navigation(links, current, top, fmt, align) %} {% set top = top|default(false) == true %} {% set align = align|default('centre') %} {% set current = current|default(null) %} {% set fmt = fmt|default('%s') %} {% endmacro %} {% macro pagination(info, path, page_range, params, page_param, url_fragment) %} {% if info.page is defined and info.pages > 1 %} {% set params = params is iterable ? params : [] %} {% set page_param = page_param|default('p') %} {% set page_range = page_range|default(5) %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro container_title(title, unsafe, url) %} {% set has_url = url is not null and url|length > 0 %}
{% if has_url %}{% endif %}
{% if unsafe %} {{ title }} {% else %} {{ title|raw }} {% endif %}
{% if has_url %}
{% endif %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro avatar(user_id, resolution, alt_text, attrs) %} {% apply spaceless %} {{ alt_text|default('') }} {% endapply %} {% endmacro %}