flash 383e2ed0e0 Rewrote the user information class.
This one took multiple days and it pretty invasive into the core of Misuzu so issue might (will) arise, there's also some features that have gone temporarily missing in the mean time and some inefficiencies introduced that will be fixed again at a later time.
The old class isn't gone entirely because I still have to figure out what I'm gonna do about validation, but for the most part this knocks out one of the "layers of backwards compatibility", as I've been referring to it, and is moving us closer to a future where Flashii actually gets real updates.
If you run into anything that's broken and you're inhibited from reporting it through the forum, do it through chat or mail me at flashii-issues@flash.moe.
2023-08-02 22:12:47 +00:00

131 lines
4.2 KiB

namespace Misuzu\Users;
use Index\XString;
use Misuzu\DateCheck;
use Misuzu\DB;
use Misuzu\Parsers\Parser;
class User {
public const NAME_MIN_LENGTH = 3; // Minimum username length
public const NAME_MAX_LENGTH = 16; // Maximum username length, unless your name is Flappyzor(WorldwideOnline2018through2019through2020)
public const NAME_REGEX = '[A-Za-z0-9-_]+'; // Username character constraint
// Minimum amount of unique characters for passwords
public const PASSWORD_UNIQUE = 6;
// Maximum length of profile about section
public const PROFILE_ABOUT_MAX_LENGTH = 50000;
// Maximum length of forum signature
public const FORUM_SIGNATURE_MAX_LENGTH = 2000;
public static function validateUsername(string $name): string {
if($name !== trim($name))
return 'trim';
if(str_starts_with(mb_strtolower($name), 'flappyzor'))
return 'flapp';
$length = mb_strlen($name);
if($length < self::NAME_MIN_LENGTH)
return 'short';
if($length > self::NAME_MAX_LENGTH)
return 'long';
if(!preg_match('#^' . self::NAME_REGEX . '$#u', $name))
return 'invalid';
$userId = (int)DB::prepare(
'SELECT `user_id`'
. ' FROM `msz_users`'
. ' WHERE LOWER(`username`) = LOWER(:username)'
) ->bind('username', $name)
if($userId > 0)
return 'in-use';
return '';
public static function usernameValidationErrorString(string $error): string {
switch($error) {
case 'trim':
return 'Your username may not start or end with spaces!';
case 'short':
return sprintf('Your username is too short, it has to be at least %d characters!', self::NAME_MIN_LENGTH);
case 'long':
return sprintf("Your username is too long, it can't be longer than %d characters!", self::NAME_MAX_LENGTH);
case 'invalid':
return 'Your username contains invalid characters.';
case 'in-use':
return 'This username is already taken!';
case 'flapp':
return 'Your username may not start with Flappyzor!';
case '':
return 'This username is correctly formatted!';
return 'This username is incorrectly formatted.';
public static function validateEMailAddress(string $address): string {
if(filter_var($address, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false)
return 'format';
if(!checkdnsrr(mb_substr(mb_strstr($address, '@'), 1), 'MX'))
return 'dns';
$userId = (int)DB::prepare(
'SELECT `user_id`'
. ' FROM `msz_users`'
. ' WHERE LOWER(`email`) = LOWER(:email)'
) ->bind('email', $address)
if($userId > 0)
return 'in-use';
return '';
public static function validatePassword(string $password): string {
if(XString::countUnique($password) < self::PASSWORD_UNIQUE)
return 'weak';
return '';
public static function validateBirthdate(int $year, int $month, int $day, int $yearRange = 100): string {
if($day !== 0 && $month !== 0) {
if($year > 0 && ($year < date('Y') - $yearRange || $year > date('Y')))
return 'year';
if(!DateCheck::isValidDate($year, $month, $day))
return 'date';
return '';
public static function validateProfileAbout(int $parser, string $text): string {
return 'parser';
$length = strlen($text);
if($length > self::PROFILE_ABOUT_MAX_LENGTH)
return 'long';
return '';
public static function validateForumSignature(int $parser, string $text): string {
return 'parser';
$length = strlen($text);
if($length > self::FORUM_SIGNATURE_MAX_LENGTH)
return 'long';
return '';