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<title>{% if title is defined %}{{ title }} :: {% endif %}{{ }}</title>
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{% if globals.auth_info.isLoggedIn %}
{% set user_info = globals.auth_info.userInfo %}
{% set user_ratio = user_info.calculateRatio %}
<div class="header-stats">
<a href="/profile/{{ globals.auth_info.userName }}">{{ globals.auth_info.userName }}</a>
&nbsp;&#183;&nbsp; <a href="/profile/{{ globals.auth_info.userName }}/history">R:&nbsp; <span style="color: {{ seria_ratio_colour(user_ratio) }};">{{ user_ratio|number_format(3) }}</span></a>
&nbsp;&#183;&nbsp; <a href="/profile/{{ globals.auth_info.userName }}/history?filter=uploaded"><span style="color: green;">U:</span>&nbsp; {{ user_info.bytesUploaded|format_filesize }}</a>
&nbsp;&#183;&nbsp; <a href="/profile/{{ globals.auth_info.userName }}/history?filter=downloaded"><span style="color: red;">D:</span>&nbsp; {{ user_info.bytesDownloaded|format_filesize }}</a>
&nbsp;&#183;&nbsp; <a href="/profile/{{ globals.auth_info.userName }}/history?filter=uploading"><span style="color: green;">&#8593;</span>&nbsp; {{ seria_count_user_uploading(user_info)|number_format }}</a>
&nbsp;&#183;&nbsp; <a href="/profile/{{ globals.auth_info.userName }}/history?filter=downloading"><span style="color: red;">&#8595;</span>&nbsp; {{ seria_count_user_downloading(user_info)|number_format }}</a>
{% endif %}
<div class="header-logo"><a href="/">{{ }}</a></div>
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{% set header_menu = seria_header_menu() %}
{% for link in header_menu %}
<a href="{{ link.url }}">{{ link.text }}</a>
{% endfor %}
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{% block content %}
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<span>Powered by <a href="//">Seria</a> &copy; <a href="//">flashwave</a> 2021-{{ 'now'|date('Y') }}</span>
{% set git_branch = git_branch() %}
{% if git_branch != 'HEAD' %}
<a href="{{ git_branch }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">{{ git_branch }}</a>
{% else %}
{% set git_tag = git_tag() %}
<a href="{{ git_tag }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">{{ git_tag }}</a>
{% endif %}
# <a href="{{ git_commit_hash(true) }}" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">{{ git_commit_hash() }}</a>
{% if globals.display_timings_info %}
<span>/ SQL Queries: {{ seria_db_query_count()|number_format }}</span>
{% endif %}
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